
I’ve pondered the thought of starting a blog for many years now. Writing has always been a therapeutic process for me. An outlet to process my thoughts, dreams, memories and goals. A cathartic self inflicted therapy which helps me articulate my journey through the highs and lows of life.

I’m Natasha. A dietitian by trade and creative soul, always. An art and design enthusiast who has dabbled in many art forms and business ventures. A Christian woman who is grounded by faith in God and the saving gift of Jesus. The wife to Steve, a country boy who I met while studying at Uni. We were an unlikely match, one of us born and raised in country New South Wales, familiar with farming, agriculture and all things bogan. And myself, a Melbourne born, asian city girl who didn’t know the difference between a male or female cow (that’s another story to share one day!)

“The highlight reel

and the real life.”

We have two smiley kids – Olive and Ezra. They bring so much joy to our family. The bright eyed, wonderful babes who make me laugh, sing, grow and fill my heart with love. But also showed me another side of myself through the prenatal and postnatal effects of mental illness. A terrified, anxious, clinically depressed and mentally unstable side.

The journey to wellness, recovery, relapse and beyond is what I will share here. The highlight reel and the real life. These are stories from our home and memories. It’s not perfect and I’m in no way an expert on all things motherhood! But I hope to encourage you, inspire you, make you smile, escape for a little while, reassure you that you are not alone, connect with you and break a few stigmas about mental illness along the way.

I will be interviewing feature guests who inspire, captivate and motivate. I’m all for women supporting women, so feel free to contact me if you would like to be featured on the blog!

So this is where I share, write and create from my heart. Please be kind. Let’s do this!

Natasha x

This is us. The Wilton Folk.